Hello from Laura Grace Martin

Monday 13 December 2010

Final piece

Now my final piece is created, I started thinking about styling ideas for my model. I bought flesh coloured tights and a discreet black leotard to go under my piece for modesty as my final piece is translucent in places. The wearable structure is fastened at the back by eyelets and cord which ties the garment around the body.

First Experimentation

I began by using the tights experimentation previously explored in earlier lessons. I used black tights as a variation to this. I decided to use tights as my predominate medium due to the innovative shapes it can create. I made the piece on a chair basis before transforming the piece into a wearable garment. I then experimented with the collection of cones I had made to see the sculptural qualities this created. This is some of my first experimentation.

Friday 10 December 2010

Initial Ideas

I began creating paper cone shapes using the rule method but only in two stages to create the simple shape. I was trying to portray a theme of repetition and almost like a broken method as I stop the process we initially explored after theme few stages of the rule. I used red thread to be a highlight colour against the plain white.

Thursday 9 December 2010

Initial research photo's

Initial design research pictures taken in London. I found paper featured a lot in shop windows. I was very inspired by the spherical shapes and crispness of the white clean paper.

Wednesday 1 December 2010

Bio-Couture video of proccess

Bio couture

Suzanne Lee (2010) Bio-Couture. [image online] Available at: http://antenna.sciencemuseum.org.uk/trashfashion/home/wearwithoutwaste/material-desires/biocouture-jacket/ [Accessed: 01/12/2010].

I really enjoyed this bizarre work by fashion designer and artist Suzanne Lee. Her work uses cellulose produced from bacteria harvested in bath tubs of sweet green tea . The bacteria use the sugar in the green tea to produce floating mats of cellulose. It is from these mats that Suzanne Lee makes her work. She then, using a wooden mannequin, makes beautiful pieces. I found it inspiring because of the nature of 'growing' a garment, the very theme of the unknown outcome, of the growth and birth of the piece. This physical appearance of the cellulose also resembles the PVA tights work we created in colour, stiffness and slight translucency.

Artist Randy Ray

Randy Wray,. Chapter and Verse. 2007. [Photograph] Available at: < http://www.blackandwhiteartgallery.com/wray1a.html > [Accessed18/11/2009].

This piece by Randy Wray showcases a 2D piece translated into a 3D installation. I found It very inspirational when compiling ideas for my final wearable structure. It bought be back to thoughts of the original workshop we explored which looked at a flat piece of paper being abstractly made into a 3D piece. I started to think of the original process I initially undertook and I remember having a round shape cutting a line then starting with a cone. I liked the simplicity of the new shape I created from the paper.