Hello from Laura Grace Martin

Wednesday 1 December 2010

Bio couture

Suzanne Lee (2010) Bio-Couture. [image online] Available at: http://antenna.sciencemuseum.org.uk/trashfashion/home/wearwithoutwaste/material-desires/biocouture-jacket/ [Accessed: 01/12/2010].

I really enjoyed this bizarre work by fashion designer and artist Suzanne Lee. Her work uses cellulose produced from bacteria harvested in bath tubs of sweet green tea . The bacteria use the sugar in the green tea to produce floating mats of cellulose. It is from these mats that Suzanne Lee makes her work. She then, using a wooden mannequin, makes beautiful pieces. I found it inspiring because of the nature of 'growing' a garment, the very theme of the unknown outcome, of the growth and birth of the piece. This physical appearance of the cellulose also resembles the PVA tights work we created in colour, stiffness and slight translucency.

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